Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What’s the Real Return on Optimism? A Survey

What’s the Real Return on Optimism? A Survey
Jan Moran

 Well, color me happy!
As a writer and entrepreneur, I’ve often witnessed the power of optimism in business. 
An optimistic attitude instils confidence in business partners,
from clients to employees to investors.

To determine the real return on optimism, simply flip the switch:
Consider the damage that an oppressive workplace can do.
What would that do to your business partners? Your employees?

Optimism: As Simple As Answering the Phone with a Smile
An optimistic attitude creates a cheerful working environment,
making it a joy rather than a drudge to go to work.
If you’re in the business of customer service, and really, who isn’t? — then a joyful interaction
is not only a rare thing of beauty, but it might also make the difference
between your client happily signing on the dotted line again — or not.
In my last business, I asked everyone to answer the phone with a smile.
Some thought I was a little nuts, but try it for yourself — you can actually hear a smile
over the phone. Soon, callers began saying things like, “It’s always such a joy to speak to you folks. You’re like an oasis in my day. I look forward to calling your company.”
Music to my ears.

Optimism Sets the Stage for Successful Resolutions
That meant that when callers were transferred to me,
I had a client or vendor in a good mood on the line.
What a difference! Even if there was a problem to resolve,
the optimistic attitude set the stage for a successful resolution.

Optimism began to creep through the company in small ways.
The receptionist took ownership and created her own joyful answer:
“It’s a beautiful day at Scentsa, how can we help you?”
Surprise and delight became the order of the day.

Optimism Drives Creativity
Ever try to be creative with a dark cloud over your head?
Pretty tough, huh? Negativity kills creativity.
Our most creative days were when optimism ruled.
Often, when management or investors dictate change and a negative person is forced into the mix, creativity suffers. Then sales suffer. Clients get cranky. It’s a slippery slope.

Keep optimism high.
Now, my best days of writing begin with a sunny attitude. My expectation is that it’s going to be a great day. So what happens on my worst days? You guessed it. They started the way they ended. The page bleeds red ink. Might as well have stayed in bed.

Optimism is Money in the Bank
Even if optimism isn’t exactly money in the bank, at the very least it primes the financial spigot.
One thing is certain, if you’re trying to create a product, build a company, or turn one around,
you won’t do it nearly as well with a negative attitude.
In business school, I remember the case study of Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx.
With his optimistic attitude, Smith inspired such dedication to the cause
that when the going got tough, his employees made personal sacrifices
to keep the company afloat — sacrifices which were later well-rewarded with success.

Optimism is a Can-Do Attitude
It might sound a little old-fashioned, but you’ll never accomplish your goal without the belief
that you can do it. Plant seeds of happiness and cultivate your attitude like a garden.
Create a plan, work that plan, adjust and seize opportunities that arise, but above all
be sure to add a dose of cheerful optimism. Plus, you’ll enjoy the ride a whole lot more.
That’s why I’m such a big fan of Richard Branson, Mr. Optimism.
You gotta have a dream.

Optimism Escaping You?
Can’t summon the sunshine? Let’s be realistic: If you just can’t seem to summon an optimistic mindset, you might be suffering from depression. Maybe you need to seek help. That’s okay.
My heart goes out to the family of actor Robin Williams; he is missed by so, so many,
but his death put a spotlight on this often crippling condition.
It you’re suffering, reach out for help.

What’s Your Return on Optimism Investment? Measure It!
So how might you calculate this seemingly elusive return on optimism?
Glad you asked! Here’s a quick, fun survey to calculate your return on optimism.
Follow the link, take a quick 10-question survey, and discover your score.
Plus, you’ll gain some valuable insights. (Don’t worry, it’s totally free, no gimmicks.)
Then, come back and share your score and insights.  
Post it in the comments — and think about what you could change in your life,
or in your business, to improve it?
Your actions might be drastic — maybe you’ll decide to fire a client.
Or you might try something small, like smiling when you answer the phone.
Or get up a little earlier and grab 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, or meditation or prayer,
before the day revs up.

Think about it…
And how would that change your life?
Disclosure: This article was commissioned by Xerox.

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:
www.ourinnerminds.blogspot.com              this takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others. 
www.turbochargedreading.blogspot.com     describes the steps to reading in the way your mind prefers.
www.happyartaccidents.blogspot.com        just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Sunday, 16 November 2014

The final questions as to why I am not succeeding.

Photo of a Gargrave bridge taken by M'reen
There are many directions that can be taken
each holding hidden possibilities
that may be seen as difficult
to a future that cannot be seen.

The final questions as to why I am not succeeding.
Written by M’reen

If, like me, you occasionally work on the things that are holding you back in your life
you may find that, with the best will in the world you are not making progress.
For over a year now  !X!!!:(!!*

1.       I have checked my belief is in accordance with the positively worded statements 
        that I have created in the present tense.
a) That means I have not used negatives such as, ‘I do not ……’ because the subconscious mind,    
     somehow or other, doesn't ‘hear’ the ‘not’ and acts on the ‘I do …’
Sometimes it is difficult to create a positive statement as you are so concerned with not having 
that undesirable consequence. I have found that if you put the second half of your statement first then the statement becomes positive.
E.G. ‘I will never smoke cigarettes again’, becomes, ‘smoking cigarettes is now part of my past’.
Making your statement part of your present is important.
b) Also don’t use  ‘ing’ as your subconscious mind always takes the easy way out. 
Therefore, ‘ I am going to sleep’ is understood as ‘sometime in the future is OK’.
Try, ‘I relax into sleep’ as relaxing into sleep is more believable than, 'going to sleep' 
when you are experiencing difficulty in dropping off.

2.       I have checked that there are no influences outside of myself that are influencing me.
  Interesting questions are: Are ……. protecting me from …..?
                                           Are  ----- supportive of ……?
These could be :
a)        : ancestors
               : the family I come from (my birth/growing up family/s),
               : the family I belong to or have belonged to
               : my group, society or culture both past and present
               : any earthbound energy. There were two energies to be released.
                They may be my excuse or they may have tuned into my need not to succeed
                and kindly popped in to support my inner beliefs.

b)     Throughout time, space and dimension Emotions such as:
 Success or failure
 Role models / advertising
 Authority figures / parents / teachers /religion
 Gender expectations both your and those of the above
 Good and bad experiences and expectations

c)       I accept all the statements above as a natural part of who I am,
  both now and in my future.

Checking, I confirmed that:
Yes, I do believe all these statements.
Yes, I can achieve all these aims.
Unfortunately I just wasn’t!
And the final question was …….
Do I actually want this success?
And the answer was > No!
However I could find or think of no reason as to why!
Therefore I need to work content free
this means I have no need to consciously know the reasons
just accept the obvious evidence and work on removing, neutralising
or changing the energy of these blocks into something neutral or positive.
In order to do this I hand the problem over to:
x) My higher self and this is a combination of
     my everyday requirements in life
     and the overview of my spiritual wisdom.
y) A higher power.
z) A therapy that is available to me or engage a therapist.

I then work on this realisation in a way in which I feel is appropriate for myself.
Do I actually want this success? – Yes
Am I prepared to do what is necessary to succeed? – Yes
Am I prepared to do this consistently? – No!   Oops.
Will I continue to find excuses? – Yes
Do I have the ability to overcome these excuses? – Yes.
Do these excuses serve a purpose? –Yes
Do they serve a worthwhile purpose? -No.
I release all the excuses and reasons that are hindering my progress in learning ………
so that I can actively work on this on a week day basis.
Do I believe this statement? – No
Can I achieve this statement? – Yes 
Will I achieve this statement?  - Yes
Will I spent sufficient time each day; will I spend that time and produce actual results? – Yes
By this I mean learning the skills to actively ……., within the next six weeks. - Yes
Happy Christmas to us all. xxx
Phew J J J J J J
Keep you posted.
February 4th 2015 - I'm experiencing success :)
And another, when the this question was posed, suddenly realised why she was not having success.

Monday, 10 November 2014

The Mirror on the wall. Self Esteem.

Photo of Maureen by M'reen

The mirror on the wall, shows your reflection.
The mirror on the wall, shows the beauty from within.
So look at yourself in the mirror,
And discover your beauty and potential from within.
As the one looking back at you, is the one holding the key.
Search hard in the mirror on the wall,
And you will find what is within.
Open the gates and let yourself in.

The Mirror on the wall.
Inspired by Self-Esteem with poetry and the combination of life itself.
Posted by lhirani

A great combination of self-esteem, poetry that is touching, dreamy, life itself and even more,
that no one has written before.

This poem is created to help you along, sit or stand in front of the mirror,
whatever is suitable for you and look at the mirror and start asking deep questions
that are inside of you and sooner or later the answers will start coming out,
which is called realisation, which helps anyone change for the better, even though you are good,
but it does not harm to just go a bit further, as it is you that is holding the key to open yourself up.

In the process, while standing or sitting in front of the mirror, you can use affirmations, for example, 
I am confident, I am strong, I am lovable and capable, I care about myself, and I can do it.

Whatever is your goal in life, you can do it, as everyone must be respected, valued and treated
with dignity, this is a humanitarian right for all, no matter what you are challenged with,
as we live in a world that is full of jealous, greed, violence, discrimination and much more,
which we all have a part to play in, in stopping this kind of behaviour. Therefore, do not let yourself go and look after yourself from what you eat and drink, the way you look, and even the way
you think, as our thoughts are very powerful, if we think bad, we may end up doing bad actions, 
resulting to a bad result, as this is what one calls a chain reaction, unless, 
we can control what we are thinking, then it is a win, win situation.

lhirani is a FaceBook friend, let me invite you to be my friend> www.facebook.com/mreen.hunt

You can also use a photograph, maybe of your little child self
and tell you all the things you wanted to hear.

I told a client who’d had been abused that she was beautiful.
She grabbed a cushion and hid behind it.
I suggested that she looked in a mirror and found some tiny bit of her that was beautiful.
The following week when I told her she was beautiful she hid behind her spread out fingers;
what a great improvement of ability to recognise herself in just one week.
It took me a little time to stand butt naked in front of a mirror and say, ‘I love me’ and mean it.
No, you wouldn't see wings and a halo, just an ordinary person on a journey through life.
I have, ‘I am love, I am pure love’ printed by my shower head
and on the inside of my food cupboard doors.
The great 'they' have found that:
if you think nasty thoughts to a glass of water then the molecules become distorted
but if you think, ‘I love you, you are pure love’ then the molecules become really beautiful.
Give this little gift to yourself, one that grows with each day.

You can TCR specialist and language dictionaries that are spontaneously accessed.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube 
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:
All aspects of regular, each-word reading and education.
Turbo Charged Reading uses these skills significantly faster
www.ourinnerminds.blogspot.com             take advantage of business experience and expertise.
www.happyartaccidents.blogspot.com       just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Monday, 3 November 2014

How To Think With Clarity and Power

William F McLaughlin 

How To Think With Clarity and Power

Whether or not your life works depends on how clearly you see things and that depends 
on how relaxed and centered you are. When relaxed, you know what you're doing, and only do
what you know. Things then fall into place without stress or strain, and goals are achieved as a matter of course. But when you're disturbed or excited about something painful or pleasurable, 
the opposite happens: you lose your objectivity and think you know what you're doing
rather than know you know. Things then become an effort and a struggle. They don't click
as thought or planned, and you experience disappointment or failure as a result.

The distinction between knowing what you're doing and thinking you know is subtle,
but makes the difference between frustration and success in all you do.
Let's look at how excitement or disturbance not only affects your ability to see clearly,
but also how it sets off a chain reaction process by which the problem is perpetuated indefinitely - 
and without your even being aware of it.
Have you ever been so sure of something only to find you were totally wrong about it?
Wasn't it bewildering? Maybe it was a school, work or business decision, or the choosing
of an investment or marriage partner. You considered everything so carefully,
had no doubt it was right, that it'd work - then it crashed and you wondered what went wrong.

This is what happened: Instead of basing your decision on matters relating to the issue itself,
you got emotionally involved in it. Such involvement affected your ability to remain impartial. Instead of seeing all sides of the situation indifferently in order to make the right decision,
you influenced it - took it personally instead of objectively or neutrally. Your personal (emotional) involvement contaminated the decision-making process. The decision wasn't based on fact,
but on the influential sway of your own personally-biased opinion. You colored the decision, interfered with it, unconsciously manipulated it to coincide with how you believed or "thought"
it should, would or could be. This biased decision caused the outcome to be inevitably different than the way you envisioned it - different meaning negative and negative meaning stress.

The negative outcome is perpetuated when you carry over residual stress from past situations 
into the present one, insuring it too will result negatively. On a short-term basis, it's like being upset over a flat tire and reacting by kicking it and stubbing your toe. Then in angry reaction,
you punch the fender and fracture your hand; and in reaction to that, you yell obscenities, are arrested for disorderly conduct, put in a straight jacket, and placed under psychiatric observation.
More commonly, it's like being resentful over a bad golf stroke, then carrying that resentment
to negatively affect the next stroke, then the next, until your whole game is off - which would throw your whole day off. And if you carry this cause and effect cycle to its logical conclusion, 
your whole week would be off, your whole month, and whole life would be off.
Other examples would be fear of dogs because of being bitten as a child, fear of starting
a new business venture because of a past failure, fear of closeness or openness in a relationship because of a past hurt, and so on.

Thus are you involved in an unconscious (hypnotic) chain reaction process where stress causes you to not see clearly what you're doing; not seeing clearly brings about a negative outcome,
and the negative outcome causes stress which causes you to not to see clearly what you're doing all over again.

In a circle or cycle there's no difference between the beginning and the end - they're the same point. Whenever you enter the moment stressfully, you set events into motion which brings stress in the end. If you're in error going in, you'll be disappointed coming out.
What goes, comes; what gives, gets. The end is always a mirror reflection of the beginning.
The state of mind you're in now is the one you'll return to when all is said and done. Your future
is nothing more than a projection of your present state of mind - plus a few more gray hairs.

The remedy becomes this: Change the beginning. Change the present. Enter each moment calmly neutral instead of tensely personal regardless of what happened a second ago or a year ago.
It's simply a process of changing your attitude, the way you habitually look at things:
It's not raining on you personally, it's just raining; that clerk is not insensitive toward you, personally, he just happens to be insensitive, and you just happen to be convenient.
And that half glass of water isn't half empty or half full; it's just a half glass of water.

The personal view is an opinion; the objective, centered view is a fact. Intelligence is not
what you think; it's the matter-of-fact way you look at things. It is this centered, unaffected viewpoint that allows you to see the situation you're in with such extraordinary clarity that fear, conflict, and error are naturally eliminated, and all of your actions and responses become perfectly appropriate, effective, and effortless. It's amazing!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_F_McLaughlin