Monday, 7 April 2014

Analyse versus Feeling.

M'reen's Photograph of Ely market.

Analyse versus Feeling. M'reen
These thoughts and feelings were prompted by someone’s Social Media comment.
I think my photo shows aspects of balance, skill, support and wonder of growing

Firstly I need to define what I mean by Analyse and Feeling,
that is I need to understand the (apparent ) difference between the two from my perspective
and in doing that it may give me an insight into the perspective of others.
I think (therefore I am?) that to analyse is to use your head (as if it was not part of your whole being?)
That to analyse somehow makes you less able to ‘feel’ and that to ‘feel’ enables you to empathize 
with others at a deep level of understanding and so are warmer and less threatening.
Why do I feel the need to understand my feelings about these words?
Why do I think about my perception of these words?
The prior sentence came intuitively and the second needed thinking about, but most likely one will appeal to you and the other will feel alien in the same way that for some the glass is half full 
or half empty. However, had my last words in the preceding sentence been Think then I’m sure 
that I would just have easily used Think as opposed to Feel.
Why do I need to analyse the energy behind the title statement;
is it because of my experiences when I was twice challenged in the past?
Firstly during Group Working tuition where we were part of an Experiential group I was challenged 
for Thinking as opposed to Feeling . At the time I was a student counsellor and my fellow Group Working students were practicing counsellors.  
Secondly when I was challenged because I have the ability to order my thoughts / understanding about 
a situation and that was not an expected ability amongst the other Life Coaching students. 
I felt Different and Confused that it was not expected that some others were able to do the same as I.
Yet we find it easy to accept that someone can create music, see energy or understand calculus.
Surely I need to understand my differences so that I can appreciate my energetic of felt sense responses and so be kinder or more empathic to myself and to others?

How do I experience Analysis and how do I experience Feeling?
To me Analysis is a process of thoughts that order themselves into a hierarchy of understanding 
in my head.
To me Feeling is an energy awareness in, on or around my physical body.
The leading statement of this article has an energetic charge for me due to the challenges described 
above and my response to feeling Different and Confused.
All words have an energy or belief (belief being the building block of emotion). There is undoubtedly 
an emotional response to a word in isolation or to a word with inflection or in context with others.
As part of an experiment In the 1980s a TV programme was aired whereby they asked you to record 
how many words appeared at the top of the screen and how many were at the bottom.
There was no ambiguity for me as the words were definitely at the top or bottom of the screen when, 
in fact, the words had been broadcast in the exact centre of the screen; it was my emotional response 
to the word that placed it in a negative or positive position. That and the fact that the subconscious 
had been instructed to respond.
Back to the two sentences:
To me Analysis is a process of thoughts that order themselves into understanding in my head.
To me Feeling is an energy awareness in, on or around my physical body.
To me Analysis is a process of thoughts that order themselves into understanding in my head.
This means that the thought processes demand to be ordered and understood to the best 
of my current ability. This process often leads to incorporating a ‘balance’ thought or to another awareness or to a connection previously not made.
If not released these thoughts will continue to circulate in my head until the process of writing 
and explaining all this to myself provides that release or completes the Gestalt – the circle.
To me Feeling is an energy awareness in, on or around my physical body.
This is equally strong and demanding but in a different way as it doesn’t have words to describe it 
because words are a function of the modern brain.
These energy feelings of, “Ah, there you are” are like the sun coming out from behind a cloud 
as now they can be consciously recognised, appreciated and which if appropriate can be released; 
with generally the opposite energy being welcomed back into my system as this is powerfully completing.
Currently I’m studying a subject that is out of my comfort zone and so challenges some of my beliefs, 
it also taps into my dyslexic tendencies and also the outcome of my study is important to me.
On occasions I’ve been aware of the energy of mild panic which I’ve simply released 
or I’ve been curious as to what that particular feeling means to me before releasing .
I think that to trust your higher self / yourself / your magnificent self- however you may describe that state and to just accept that you can release that fear energy –and it will be OK is appropriate.
Sometimes I Think and Feel that it is important or interesting to understand where the ‘panic’ comes from to the best of my ability; as understanding comes before acceptance which comes before release. 
Some people might use the word Forgiveness (of the self or of others) but I prefer to use ‘release’ 
or the phrase “Letting go”.

P.S. I’ve noticed that if I’ve said that I don’t necessarily agree fully with someone’s statement 
on Social Media that my disagreement has been ignored.
I wonder; is Social Media an act of self congratulatory navel gazing?
Or am I being a typical Sagittarian and throwing a ball into the conversation
just to see how it bounces?

The thought presented itself as, “how’s your navel?”
I had to respond. Ha, ha, ha, spot on, someone has the job to do!
It’s an ‘inny’ by the way, and therefore I think inwardly, I also feel.
We could garner millions for a study of navels.
Innies working out from their self observation. The extreme inny being an autistic person.
Outies working from a world perspective in towards themselves. Dash I forget the term and who coined it, the extreme outy not having an inner life but accruing status and value from some other,
a job, organisation or quest in life.

There must be flatties, but I’ve not heard of them. People who are balanced at some point in the dualities of life, maybe only for a period but balanced nonetheless.

Since writing the above I had a thought provoking experience as I felt very uncomfortable in a situation.
I rationalised this by using the phrase, 'drawing a line in the sand'. My line is not one of, 'I expect you to attack and will repel such an attack' nor is it 'if you get close then I shall defend' but one of comfortable balance with no need to attack or defend. The analogy of a rock upon which the sea may choose to dash itself against or comfortably caress while it remains a complete as a rock is the best I can do at the moment. This experience and the following thought has left me feeling calmer and more confident.
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