Wednesday, 30 March 2016

10 Reasons Why Some People Always Seem To Know A Lot

Ferns uncurling.

10 Reasons Why Some People Always Seem To Know A Lot
Kayiba Mpoyi

Ever come across someone who really seems to know everything?
They can answer questions about any topic, any field and any place. They have general understanding and can explain either in brief or well detailed how and why?
Most of the time, these kind of people make a really good impression
and they seem to be doing pretty good for themselves professionally and in their private lives.
They seems to progress really well and pursuit excellence in all they do.
Here are 10 habits they have adopted to possess this rare skill.

1. They tend to read… A LOT
These guys are on a mission to finish every book written under the sun.
They read about everything and anything; from science fiction, textbook to business and romance. This habit opens up your brains to understanding and processing information easier and quicker.
Not only that but it also forces your brain to challenge the status quo
as you read from one publication to another that carry opposing views.
Bill Gates is an avid reader and great promoter of reading
This can be achieved by setting targets for yourself to read at least 20 pages a day every day,
in 1 year that is approximately 7300 pages which is an equivalent of? Lots and lots of books.
Bill Gates.
“I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid,
and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had the chance to read a lot.”

2. They are curious about other people
Dale Carnegie said you can make more friends being interested in other people than in yourself. When you open your ears to other people’s lives and experiences
it can shed so much light into your own life.
The best people to listen to are people who share a different perspective than yours.
Most human beings tend to be dismissive to people who don’t see life the way they do
but hearing them out can be the most effective learning you can come across.
Achieving these skills usually requires a lot of patience and maturity to learn from people
you do not always see eye to eye,
but gave others a try as we all have something to bring to the table.
Dale Carnegie.
“When dealing with people, you are dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”

3. They teach other people
This isn’t just about qualifying as a teacher or being a university professor,
but they always take the opportunity to inform others.
Whether they are the one explaining complex problems in the study group
or the ones ready training technical skills in the work place,
they have that need to pass it on as there is no better way to learn
and discover limits to your knowledge than through teaching.
You can do this by volunteering to teach, train informally or tutor someone.
Oprah Winfrey.
“For everyone of us that succeeds, it’s because there’s somebody there to show you the way out.”

4. They participate in group discussions
Is this a dumb question? They are not afraid to look dumb for one minute
than preserve and be dumb forever. They raise their hands and ask questions
where they need clarity, they tackle other members reasoning
just to broaden their own understanding of a specific topic.
Zen proverb.
It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser one to learn from others.

5. They play board games
Nothing gets your mind working out quite like a Scrabble game, 30 seconds, Sudoku,
Monopoly and millions of the board games that force you to think during relaxation.  
This is a fun way of learning and you can do this by inviting a couple of your friends
over for a games night in.

6. They watch documentaries on things that have shaped the world
The best thing about this one is, there is no need to read or have a pen and paper out in front of you. You just need to sit back and give your 100% concentration.
These documentaries are very informative and provide in depth logic of things.
They have scholars and experts in the fields who discuss certain topics.
This can be achieved by ditching Netflix and other celeb reality TV show once in a while
and switching onto the Discovery Channel, National geographic or the History Channel.
Elder Russell M Nelson.
  “Being educated is the difference between wishing you could do some good
and being able to do something good.”

7. They network
Attending business conferences and sermons is not just about the awesome “free food”
and getting to skip a day off work, but it’s about meeting different people.
The misconception out there is that networking is only to be done with people
who can bring you business or benefit your company.
This is not the case, you can network with people outside your industry
and even those who share nothing in common with you. This is a great way to open your circle
as you never know when the opportunity will arise to do really great things together.
This can be achieved by joining different groups on LinkedIn or other meet ups online.

8. They work on their self-development
None of this would matter if you had no interest to develop yourself.
Smart people care to get to the next level in their own personal lives; they eat better,
work out, work smart and educate themselves.
You can take it upon yourself to learn a new language, get a new hobby, learn a great skill
or even just to improve in your current field and be the best that there is.
Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.

9. They never get comfortable
Most people tend to do what they do all day and every day
without the slightest thought to change themselves or work on themselves.
Some people reach the “I’ve made it” mental state when they’ve reached a certain goal
or make a specific amount of money.
Yet this is counterproductive as it gives no meaning to go on and aim higher and strive for better.
You have to constantly be learning and keep an open mind to possibilities you never knew existed. You have to be daring enough to try rocket science type stuff.
In this competitive world, there just is no room for complacency.
Steve Jobs.
“You can’t look at the competition and say you’re going to do it better.
You have to look at the competition and say you’re going to do it differently.”

10. They have the utmost belief in themselves and their abilities
So what does it take to be the smartest in the room? You have to believe that you are.
None of these things matter if you do not believe in yourself and what you are capable of achieving. Before anything, you must believe that you can. You shouldn’t shy away out of fear
or feeling embarrassed. What you have to say is worth it and someone will benefit from it.
You have been equipped with everything you need to fulfil all those dreams inside of you.
Don’t expect less from yourself and don’t expect it from others.
Give it your all and the world will place gold at your feet

You can TCR software and engineering manuals for spontaneous recall – or pass that exam.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube  
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:
All aspects of regular, each-word reading and education.
Turbo Charged Reading uses these skills significantly faster               Personal business development.        just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

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