Monday 2 March 2015

7 Sure-Fire Ways To Defeat Rejection

I titled this photo of mine, 'walking on water' but this article is about 'water off a duck's back'. M'reen

7 Sure-Fire Ways To Defeat Rejection
Post written by Peter G. James Sinclair.

I have lost count as to the number of rejection slips I have received throughout the years.
But it hasn’t stopped me from publishing and creating magnificence in my life.
Nor should it stop you.
I have learnt the secret of how to never come under the subjection of rejection
– to treat it like ‘water off a ducks back’.
So allow me to instruct you on how you can sail across and thrive
amidst your own personal sea of rejection.

1. The Word NO Won’t Kill You
Go on. Stand in front of a mirror and yell at yourself the word NO. Go on. Say it ten times.
How do you feel after that barrage of abuse? Oh you’re still breathing. It didn’t kill you? Amazing.
So those bullets that you thought others were firing at you are actually only blanks after all.

2. Another Person’s Acceptance Is Not Your Success Prerequisite
So what if they don’t get it. And who are THEY anyway?
They are other people’s opinions, and people’s opinions change like the wind.

3. Dream BIG Dreams
Whatever you do, don’t stop dreaming. Dreams drive you to push forward with the next creation.
So dream on and dream BIG.

4. Create Great Creations
As a creative person, to stop creating is to put to death the growth
that is necessary for the creation of new and fresh ideas.
So never stop the creation process.

5. There Is Always Another Way
In order to get your material before a wider audience, the Internet has opened up the floodgates
for expression like never before. And much of it is freely available.
So publish your creations online – whether it is in written word, photographs,
videos or audio presentations. Get out there on the World Wide Web and make it happen.

6. NO Is Never The Final Answer
Someone’s no may lead to another’s yes.
So keep moving. Keep creating. Keep presenting.
Keep improving. Keep submitting. Keep trying. Keep going.
Never stop. Never give up.
You are worthy. Your creations are special.
You are of value, and you have a voice that needs to be heard.

7. Believe In Yourself
Be your greatest fan. Declare to yourself on a daily basis that God created you for greatness,
and stand firm in that greatness – ever giving thanks for the gifts
that have been planted in your life to bring joy to all.

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:                this takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.     describes the steps to reading in the way your mind prefers.          just for fun.
Advanced Reading Skills FaceBook group

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

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